When we look after the kitchen blocked drain lines, we found the basic problem behind drain line blockages is a heavy grease deposit inside the drain pipe. It mainly occurs where food processing takes place like in commercial kitchens, and dishwashing areas. Most of the food preparation units pour leftover oil down the drain, this oil get solidifies inside the drain & creates a solid lump. FOG lump is very light in weight and flows over the top of drain water so that grease deposition always started at the upper periphery of the drain pipe. Removal of Grease from drain pipes is never been an easy task for any of us. It always requires extra precaution to avoid grease deposits.
FOG Formation:
FOG accumulation occurs inside the drain when warm oil cools down inside the pipe. Fat present inside the oil gets trapped with calcium, corrosion of pipe releases calcium along with iron, it mainly helps in the accumulation of FOG. FOG accumulation is a long time process it takes several years to complete drain line blockage. Whenever grease deposition occurs it did not allow water to go down the drain and water comes out of floor traps.
How is going to suffer:
Grease accumulation inside the drainpipe occurs in commercial kitchens, food court areas & QSR, these outlets use a great amount of oil during food preparation. Those restaurants use non-veg during food preparation having frequent drain line blockages due to excess fat present in food items. Even in QSR outlets use of butter in excessive amount result in the formation of FOG in the drain pipe.
How to get rid of FOG:
Extra precaution always leads to great benefits in any process, when we avoid pouring oil directly down the drain results in less FOG formation. Restaurants need to place a grease separator inside the kitchen, it did not allow oil inside the drain. The practice of pouring hot water inside the drain slows down the formation of grease inside the drain.
Even after all precautions if there are blockages occur, hydro jetting with snaking is the best solution to get rid of it. Hydro jetting breaks down the FOG accumulation present inside the drain pipe. Always go with a professional who use to operate hydro jetting with specialized nozzles.